Paul J Tyler

BSocWk, DipH, GradCert HlthMgt, MAASW (Acc), ACSW, MACSW, AFCHSM, JP (Qual)

Paul is an Accredited Mental Health Clinical Social Worker with over 23 years of experience in the mental health field. Paul is also a Clinical Hypnotherapist and uses hypnosis to help people quit the dangerous habit of smoking. Paul is also Army Veteran and works with many veterans.

His easy-going personality will allow you to discuss freely your concerns safely and without judgment.

Paul is married with 4 children and 6 grandchildren.

Misty Renolds

BSc (Psych) CQU, AdvDip Ldrshp & Mgt, DipCouns, DipGovt

Misty is a family therapist, specialising in building relationships, connection and positive communication. Misty began studies in 1999 however then followed her love of the Australian Army and is now a commissioned officer, she returned to studies and graduated in 2014.
Misty has commenced studies in a Masters of Domestic and Family Violence and has over 10 years’ experience in this field. Misty is committed to supporting change in relationships for the better and will help this happen.

Misty is married with 3 girls

Katie Griffin


Katie moved to Rockhampton to commence her studies at Central Queensland University and graduated in 2007. She is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Medicare provider.

Since this time Katie has worked within government and non-government mental health settings, as well as 7 years working within the alcohol and other drug sector and specialises in harm minimization and abstinence-based approaches.

Strong foundations gathered over her 17 years’ experience in these fields have allowed Katie to help people with individual, relationship, and family counselling needs, and to help her clients with their mental health and other life challenges.

Katie is married with two teenage boys